Registration is now unshut for the Northern California Institute of Golf for 2023 Junior Golf Programs at Haggin Oaks.

Our 2023 programs are now live and ready for sign-ups.

TOTS on the Tee: $199.99 (6 week sessions)
Tots on the Tee is a program designed for 3–4-year-olds. You can expect participants to discover and explore the very nuts of the game of golf through station/game-based learning, moreover developing their sturdy and life skills. This is a 6-week program, you will see golf-based stations and sturdy based stations as we believe in the ADM (American Minutiae Model) which focuses on towardly activities based on what age the participants are.

FUNdamental Movement: $229.99 (8 week sessions)
The FUNdamental Movement matriculation is designed for children month 5-10. The session contains 8 hourly classes. You can expect to see participants experience, discover, identify, and demonstrate fundamentals of the game of golf, incorporate First Tee Core Values and develop athletics skills as we strongly well-wisher participants should wilt unconfined athletes as well as unconfined golfers. At the end of this class, we are confident that participants will be worldly-wise to name the parts of a golf club, understand how to safely use a golf club, have a vital understanding of what club to use for variegated golf shots, and have an increased worthiness to perform sturdy skills.

After School Program: $199.99 (Two 6 week sessions in the Spring and Fall)
The After School program is wrenched into 6-week sessions where golfers come anywhere from 1-3 times a week. You can expect the participants to be exploring, discovering, identifying, demonstrating, creating, and performing all facets of the golf game, learn the life skills of the First Tee, but moreover develop many sturdy skills and movements which are hair-trigger in rhadamanthine a healthy and happy child, withal with a increasingly coordinated golfer. During each matriculation participants are split into 3-4 smaller groups, making sure these groups are chronologically and developmentally skill appropriate, permitting for a increasingly efficient learning environment.

Little Linkers: $349.99 (Ages 7 )
This program is an on-course, developmental, skill-building based program. The matriculation is on Saturdays during the spring and fall and it is on Tuesdays during the summer, with tee times starting at 1pm. Each week participants will be learning to track key on-course statistics for improvement, keeping their score (with the help of a coach), learning, and experiencing important rules and pace of play strategies.
Our spring/fall sessions are built for technical and rules/etiquette development. Whereas our summer session has increasingly of a tournament feel. During the spring and fall participants tee off from variegated distances depending on skill level and will move depending on their development. Whereas, during the summer participants play from First tee age related yardages, helping them wilt increasingly well-appointed in tournament conditions.

Junior Linkers $349.99 (Ages 7 )
An on-course program with the purpose of developing skills needed to thrive on the golf course. A 9-week program that includes, stat-tracking, competition, undertow management, and mentorship. Our spring/fall sessions are built for technical and tactical development. The summer session has increasingly of a tournament finger with fun competitions. During the spring and fall participants tee off from variegated distances depending on skill level and will move depending on their development. During the summer, participants play from specific age-related yardages, helping them wilt increasingly well-appointed under competitive conditions

Academy On Undertow $159.99 ( Month 7 )
Taking place exclusively at our seminar holes on Saturdays, our goal by the end of the session is for golfers to have learned the nuts of the parts of the hole, vital on-course safety, rules, pace of play and etiquette. We will take our time in a 3-week session, permitting participants to develop their conviction on the undertow in a pressure free, fun environment. This is the perfect matriculation for golfers who are interested in playing on the undertow but have not had the exposure to it yet. We recommend taking this program surpassing moving into Little Linkers as it develops all the necessary knowledge to thrive on the golf course

Competitive Pre-Teen Pre-Season Program $400 ( Month 7-12)
This 4-week program is designed to prepare our young athletes for the upcoming tournament season. The focus will be on-course skills and scoring performance- so we will train in weeks 1 & 3, and compete in weeks 2 & 4.

Competitive Pre-Teen $450 ( Month 7-12)
This holistic player performance program is designed for junior athletes who have been identified as wide players for their age and are specializing in golf. We will support parents, guardians, and young athletes, through the journey of competitive golf. Each session will have a holistic focus on skill towers and competition in 4 main areas- Putting, Short Game, Full Swing, and On-Course Skills.

High School Pre-Season Program $450 ( Month 13-17)
This 4-week program is designed to prepare athletes for the upcoming tournament and upper school season. The focus will be geared towards on-course skills and scoring performance- so we will train in weeks 1 & 3, and compete in weeks 2 & 4

High School 1 $350 ( Month 13-17)
This is a 6-week program for month 13-17 with a midweek and weekend offering catering to junior athletes who are either just stuff introduced to the game or have graduated from the after-school program. The participants will be remoter developing their putting, short-game and full swing skills. We will develop the participants into golfers who can start to play on the undertow recreationally or competitively.

High School 2 $450 ( Month 13-17)
This player performance program is designed for junior athletes who are intermediate to voracious golfers that currently play for or have goals of playing on their upper school golf team. Each session will focus on skill towers and competition in 4 main areas- Putting, Short Game, Full Swing, and On-Course Skills.

College Prep $750 ( Month 14-18)
This holistic player performance program is designed for junior athletes who are competitive tournament golfers and aspire to playing higher golf & beyond. We will support parents, guardians, and young athletes, through the competitive landscape of junior and higher golf. Each session will have a holistic focus on skill towers and competition in 4 main areas- Putting, Short Game, Full Swing, and On-Course Skills.

Any questions? Please contact Tom Morton at or Alex Cooper at

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